So here's a technique to try that involves finding your voice's focus and identifying the different muscle groups needed to make it work. Hum. That may seem really simple, but try! And when you try, make an effort to get your lips buzzing. I'm talking about the kind of buzzing that makes your lips tingle like crazy. Now pay attention to the different muscle groups being engaged to make that tingle happen. Do you use your support muscles (diaphragm, abdomen, rib cage) differently? Are you running out of air faster/slower than before? Is there any sign of tension in the throat (there shouldn't be)? If you start on middle C on the piano, and go up the scale chromatically (half steps) what you'll notice is that each note resonates in a very distinct location on your face. If you practice this enough you can actually start to memorize different notes based on how each note vibrates. Give it a try and let me know what you think!
The other warm up that I use often that utilizes this same thought process is on a single note, sing Mi, Me, Ma, Mo, Mu up and down the scale. If you hang out on the 'M' a bit longer, you can use that humming motion to place the sound and then when you open up to the vowel you should be able to keep the sound focused right behind the lips.
Disclaimer: Don't over sing! If the exercise is straining in any way, shape or form, STOP!!! Feel free to ask questions and I'll do my best to clarify.
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